Thanks for making me lol :-D
Thank dog my still-in wife is already sleeping or she would be upset about me lolling her precious religion :-/ :-p
almost two months into the change in format of the mid week meeting from the school and service meeting format to the christian life and ministry (clam) format.
in my congregation, seems attendance is down 10-15% over the normally low attendance for the mid week meeting before the change.
some indicate that the meeting under the clam format is very "intense"...you really need to study and research to be able to participate or get anything out of the meetings.
Thanks for making me lol :-D
Thank dog my still-in wife is already sleeping or she would be upset about me lolling her precious religion :-/ :-p
not being familiar with either, my question is:.
what is the relationship between evolution and atheism?.
i'd love to hear from anyone and everyone, and also from any perspective.. without limiting the conversation in any way, i would of course also appreciate comments that are simple, clear, direct and correct (as i don't have the capacity to do a phd in evolution or atheism)..
The next statement will probably start a war :-D
The relationship between evolution and atheism is critical thinking.
While I fully agree with everyone stating that
it is my opinion that the ability to critically think about whatever is presented to you and whatever you already believe to be true, and willingness to learn and investigate leads to (amongst other things)
Does that mean that I think everyone who believes in any god can't or doesn't think critically? No, absolutely not.
I think they may have a blind spot regarding that belief, or they choose not to apply pure logical thinking to that area of life, like all of us do many times with different areas of our life (such as love, that is not really governed by critical thinking).
#1 protein functional redundancycomparing the sequences of amino acids in ubiquitous proteins confirms the relationship between all living things.. #2 dna functional redundancycomparison of the dna that codes for the amino acids of ubiquitous proteins predicts the tree of life with an astonishing degree of accuracy.. #3 ervsendogenous retroviruses that infected our ancestors are found in the same place of the genome of our closest primate cousins.
#4 smelly geneshundreds of broken genes that used to code for olfactory receptors in our ancestors are still found in our genome.. #5 vitamin cwhy humans can no longer make their own vitamin c and what that tells us about our species' history.. #6 human chromosome 2our second biggest chromosome is made up of two of our ancestors' genes stuck end-to-end.. #7 human egg yolk genehumans and our primate cousins have the genes for making vitellogenin and they are all broken in the same way.
#8 jumping genesbits of parasitic code called alu elements prove our common ancestry with primates.
Thank you very very much.
In near future I will probably use this as a basis to wake up a dear friend.
today at work one of the clients that came in for advice was an elder and his wife.
they must be having issues they need help with.
this elder was the elder that told us not to go to a domestic violence shelter or not to go to the police when my daughter got a black eye.. am i bad because i smiled inside that they are having problems?.
There also a word in Dutch for Schadenfreude: leedvermaak...meaning basically the same as Schadenfreude in German (suffering-pleasure).
But the German word sounds a lot more evil (like most German words :-p)
this fits so, so, so perfectly!
the titles of cofty's excellent recent posts are all preceeded by the words "evolution is a fact...".
richard dawkins is encouraging people to use the term 'fact' in relation to evolution, especially when debating with creationists as the word 'theory' is confusing to many, and the latter often takes the discussion off on an often unproductive tangent.
the following may be of interest, it's from the bbc website - part of a regular series of articles called 'the vocabularist', discussing the origin and meaning of words: .
So, if I understand correctly...
1 guy who never researched anything related to geology, biology, chemistry, astronomy, etc say: "Nature exists, therefore an invisible person living in the sky must have created it"
is more compelling to you than all the evidence (including visible evidence, and there for everyone to check for themselves) that tens of thousands of people who thoroughly researched their specific fields have discovered?
And is the claim by that ancient person in Rom 1.20 more credible than my following claim?
"Life on earth has been created by 3 invisible, undetectable pink dudes living on Mars. By just looking at their creation their power is shown, and everyone should thank them for that".
the titles of cofty's excellent recent posts are all preceeded by the words "evolution is a fact...".
richard dawkins is encouraging people to use the term 'fact' in relation to evolution, especially when debating with creationists as the word 'theory' is confusing to many, and the latter often takes the discussion off on an often unproductive tangent.
the following may be of interest, it's from the bbc website - part of a regular series of articles called 'the vocabularist', discussing the origin and meaning of words: .
Apparently not.
Please educate me, as we are trying to educate you. And please be as specific as you are requiring cofty to be.
If you are simply referring to looking at the universe and everything in it...well that's just evidence they exist, no divine creator to be seen.
If that is your resoning I could apply that 'evidence' to any of the creation myths that exist. And their existence only is just as much evidence of big bang and evolution.
So please state at least some specific evidence for divine creation.
the titles of cofty's excellent recent posts are all preceeded by the words "evolution is a fact...".
richard dawkins is encouraging people to use the term 'fact' in relation to evolution, especially when debating with creationists as the word 'theory' is confusing to many, and the latter often takes the discussion off on an often unproductive tangent.
the following may be of interest, it's from the bbc website - part of a regular series of articles called 'the vocabularist', discussing the origin and meaning of words: .
briefly list the strongest evidence that show that humans evolved from any non human.
While that is being compiled, can you then please list the evidence (as has been requested before) there is for divine creation?
the titles of cofty's excellent recent posts are all preceeded by the words "evolution is a fact...".
richard dawkins is encouraging people to use the term 'fact' in relation to evolution, especially when debating with creationists as the word 'theory' is confusing to many, and the latter often takes the discussion off on an often unproductive tangent.
the following may be of interest, it's from the bbc website - part of a regular series of articles called 'the vocabularist', discussing the origin and meaning of words: .
About the entropy: earth is not a closed system.
The sun is constantly sending energy to earth, and heat is constantly radiating from earth into space.
Here is some reading material for those who wish to educate themselves:
the titles of cofty's excellent recent posts are all preceeded by the words "evolution is a fact...".
richard dawkins is encouraging people to use the term 'fact' in relation to evolution, especially when debating with creationists as the word 'theory' is confusing to many, and the latter often takes the discussion off on an often unproductive tangent.
the following may be of interest, it's from the bbc website - part of a regular series of articles called 'the vocabularist', discussing the origin and meaning of words: .
Your very one-sided way of reading and bolding the quote shows you're not willing to be honest and understand what the writer really said. Your Watchtower is showing.
Thomson remarks: "Change over time is a fact, and descent from common ancestors is based on such unassailable [meaning undeniable] logic that we act as though it is a fact.
Biologists consider it to be a scientific fact that evolution
So your own quote shows that the evidence is so overwhelming that evolution cannot be denied, and that those who actually know the subject best consider it a fact for all intents and purposes.
And here you are trying to bend a statement that confirms the robustness of the theory of evolution into a basis on which you can deny the undeniable.
Besides that, you have artfully tried dodge the questions I submitted:
If you cannot accept evolution because it is 'not a fact' while the evidence that supports it makes those who are experts in biology consider it a fact, on what basis are you accepting Bronze age myths as fact, maybe even absolute truth?
Is the evidence (if any) that you accept for any gods' existence more compelling than the evidence that supports evolution?
Is there any evidence that your specific God exists?
Can you present that evidence please?
Can anyone consider the existence of God a fact more than evolution can be considered a fact?
BTW, please don't bother replying with more of your word soup. I really don't care about that quote, or about your tries to make words change meaning.
Unless you have a direct (and somewhat readable) answer to (one of) my questions I probably won't read your reaction.
Have a good life!